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July Acts of Kindness
We are officially 7 months into our 50 Acts of Kindness mission. BE Melrose kicked off this month’s acts with a shopping event for GLSEN, an organization whose goal is to ensure every student gets the education they need! BE Tucson sponsored Tucson Wildlife Center‘s beloved Ruby the bobcat! Meanwhile, BE Mission District donated to the League of Women Voters of San Francisco, helping locals get involved and better their communities. BE Philadelphia worked hard at planting trees with the Fairmount Park Conservancy, which has given over 4,000 trees to local residents and business owners! Last but not least, BE Boerum Hill helped New York’s furry friends by donating to Brooklyn Animal Action! Keep reading to learn more about each act of kindness:

Kindness Act #26: Shop for a Cause at BE Melrose
BE Melrose supported local queer students by hosting a shopping event for GLSEN’s LA chapter, donating 10% of sales on July 3 from 6-8pm! GLSEN Los Angeles is a chapter of GLSEN, a national organization fighting for every student’s right to a safe, supportive education. They work in the community to ensure safe schools for all students, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. Check out the work they are doing in your local community and find out how you can get involved!
Kindness Act #27: Sponsoring Ruby the Bobcat at BE Tucson
BE Tucson supported the Tucson Wildlife Center by sponsoring Ruby the bobcat! Ruby was illegally taken from the wild when she was a baby bobcat and kept as a pet. When she became weak and sick, the people who had taken her called the Center for help. Shortly thereafter, the Center received a mother bobcat with two kittens of her own. The mother accepted Ruby and acted as a surrogate mother to her, providing her with the love and care she needed. The Center eventually released the mother and all three babies back into the wild. But Ruby, who had become so habituated to humans, kept approaching people near the land where she was released. The Center took Ruby back and she now lives in the sanctuary at TWC and has become a wonderful surrogate mother. Find out more about how you can get involved by volunteering, donating or sponsoring one of the other animals in TWC’s care!

Kindness Act #28: Supporting Local Voter Registration at BE Mission District
BE San Francisco (Mission District) donated to The League of Women Voters of San Francisco! LWVSF provides education to encourage people to vote in elections, participate in government and engage in advocacy to influence public policy that benefits the community. They are a nonpartisan political nonprofit and they welcome people of all genders! Check out their website for information on voting and how you can get involved.
Kindness Act #29: Planting Trees with Fairmount Park Conservancy at BE Philadelphia
Buffalo Exchange Philadelphia helped bring local parks to life by supporting the Fairmount Park Conservancy! The organization works to restore and maintain the city’s common spaces by bringing people from all walks of life together to nurture our shared environment. They have several programs supporting park stewardship, including their TreePhilly tree-planting initiative, which gives away more than 4,000 trees to local property owners, businesses and residents a year. Find out how you can show your neighborhood park some love at

Kindness Act #30: Donation Drive for Brooklyn Animal Action at BE Boerum Hill
BE Boerum Hill helped out New York’s furry friends by hosting a donation drive for Brooklyn Animal Action. BAA is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to improving the lives of animals in New York City. They rescue and find homes for adoptable animals, facilitate Trap-Neuter-Release programs and perform community outreach and education. Thank you to all of you who dropped off cat food & cat litter at BE Boerum Hill to support this awesome org!
Thank you to all of those who supported our efforts during July! Stay tuned for even more acts of kindness throughout 2024.