Fashion – Style – Trends
I’m An Expert on Selling at Buffalo Exchange: Follow These 5 Closet Cleanout Tips!
At best, cleaning out your closet is a chore — at worst, it’s a challenge that keeps your home’s organization – and your personal style – from reaching their full potential. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of must-know tips to empower you to tackle your closet cleanout (with a little help from the Buyers at Buffalo Exchange!)

Bare It All: Pull Everything Out to See What You’re Working With!
When we say everything, we mean everything: empty your closet, cube organizers, dresser drawers and any other clothing storage to get the full scope of your wardrobe. When it’s all laid bare, it’s easier to see what you’ve been holding onto for way too long, what doesn’t quite gel with the rest of your wardrobe (and, consequently, probably doesn’t get worn very often), or forgotten items that you could wear, but might be better off out of your wardrobe and bringing joy to someone new. If you don’t have time for a full overhaul, just do a quick run-through and pull out any of the items you’re not sure about.
Don’t Believe Me? Just Wash
A little laundry goes a long way when you’re trying to sell your closet cleanout at Buffalo Exchange. Take the time to give your clothes and shoes another look, checking for spots, dirty soles or other blemishes before you arrive. Most of these problems can be solved with a quick load in the wash (or a Magic Eraser if you’re working with rubber-soled shoes). While you’re scoping the condition of your clothes, keep an eye out for fabric pilling, missing buttons, broken zippers and other signs of wear and tear. At Buffalo, items go straight from your bag out to the sales floor, so this step could make the difference between leaving with cash or trade or heading back home with your items! Items with too much wear and tear might be better off going into the donate pile for your favorite non-profit, but when in doubt, feel free to bring them in – our Buyers are always happy to take a look.

Don’t Limit Yourself: Bring It All In!
Unless you’re hauling a literal semi-trailer truckload of clothes or multiples of the exact same item, bring in the entirety of your closet cleanout all at once. Buffalo Exchange buys the best of all seasons year round — you can bring in summer shorts and winter outerwear at the same time and, depending on the style and the store’s inventory needs, they might take them both. This goes for shoes and accessories, too: Buffalo loves to see a variety of footwear, hats, handbags and more!
Talking Shop With Your Buyer
Like I mentioned above, buying is based on each store’s inventory needs, so it’s worthwhile to ask your Buyer about what they’re currently looking for or what they have too much of. Buyers are happy to share their knowledge and, afterwards, you can peruse the sales floor to get a first-hand visual on the styles and trends you discussed.

Take the Trade
If I could give only one tip for selling at Buffalo Exchange, it would be this: take. the. trade! Cash comes and goes, but trade is forever — it never expires and can be used at any Buffalo Exchange location around the country (excluding the outlets, but the inventory there is already affordably priced at $8 or less!)
Now that you’ve read this expert’s tips for cleaning out your closet and selling at Buffalo Exchange, put them into practice and head to your local store. The time it takes to sell your items is quicker than ever with our digital waitlist, meaning there’s less space between you and obtaining your sweet store credit — you can even claim your space in line ahead of time! Remember that Buffalo buys the best of all seasons year round: you can clean out for spring, summer and beyond, all in one convenient trip. Consider this your graduation from student to certified seller!