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Meet Jeff, BE HQ’s Web Dev Extraordinaire!
Jeff, IT expert at Buffalo Exchange HQ, has been a member of the herd since 2015! As the Programming Team Associate Manager, he has led Buffalo Exchange’s development team in making digital tools that the company uses daily. Follow along to learn more about Jeff and his career journey!

Tell us about how you got your start at Buffalo Exchange!
I started in early 2015 as an IT Technician, straight out of the University of Arizona with an IT degree. I’d shopped at Buffalo a lot before and was familiar with the buy-sell-trade model from working at GameStop. Pretty early on, I started helping out with the server side of our website rebuild and learned a lot about web development. Over the next couple of years, my passion for web dev grew and I started spotting tedious or error-prone tasks that could be replaced or improved with web apps. I asked for the opportunity to build out a few things for IT and, in 2019, I started leading the development team in our mission of crafting digital tools that simplify workflows and make daily tasks easier!
Three words to describe yourself:
I try to live in a way that would lead others to describe me as empathetic, genuine and inquisitive.
What do you love most about working at Buffalo?
Phew, this is a hard one. I like how we can show up as our unique selves, our environmental and community impact and the five points of power. But, what I really love is that our ideas matter. I’ve worked at a number of companies where all ideas came from the top down and most of us had no voice. At Buffalo, I’ve seen thoughtfully presented ideas come from all levels be implemented and have a real impact.

Favorite coding language?
My equally ranked top three favorites are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Those are the foundation of everything you see and do on the web. There is a lot of complexity and nuance the deeper you go into web dev, but it’s shocking what you can do with the basics!
How about a favorite Buffalo memory?
One Sunday morning, our Chelsea store had a water line that froze and then burst directly above their server shelf. The whole store was down & none of the equipment was recoverable. I volunteered to make an emergency trip with an entirely new set of equipment. Winging it with half a plan is not my normal cup of tea, but there I was on an overnight flight to NYC with more computer gear than clothing in my suitcase. Did you know Converse are not appropriate snow shoes? It was hard work and long hours to get everything fixed, but we turned a really stressful situation into a great adventure!

We’re so grateful for all the hard work and dedication Jeff has put into his time at Buffalo Exchange and we can’t wait to see what awesome improvements he comes up with next! We’ll be introducing more of our amazing employees throughout the year, so be sure to check back for more stories from the herd. Feeling inspired and interested in hearing more about what it’s like working at Buffalo Exchange? Head over to our Join Our Team page to learn more about working here, all the perks we offer and current openings.