
Fashion – Style – Trends

Meet Chey, Houston Associate Manager

Five years ago, Chey decided to apply to Buffalo because he was looking for a change. He didn’t expect to discover such a strong passion for the job, but 5 years later, he’s still loving the experience! Read on as he tells us more about his time with Buffalo, including what he likes most about the job and his favorite find.

Chey posing in all black outfit with silver accents

How did you start working here?

I was working in hair and beauty, and as much as I enjoyed it I just didn’t feel a passion for it. I was scrolling through Instagram one night and saw Buffalo was hiring! My mom and I would shop at BE Houston all the time, and those were some of my favorite memories.

How did you become an Associate Manager?

After a little while of working as a Buyer, I realized talking and learning about clothing had become a passion of mine. I moved up to Buyer Specialist and then Expert in a few months, but still wasn’t done! I wanted to be able to help guide the new Buffalo peeps, so I worked my way to Buyer Trainer. When an Associate Manager position opened up, my whole staff was excited for me to apply – it really gave me the confidence to move forward. Here I am five years later!

What does an average day look like for you?

I plan my outfit for the day, pick out my staple rings and accessories, check out the emails, and get everyone situated with a fun huddle. We never know what we’ll be in for that day – crazy lines, large buys – so it’s good to be ready for anything. My main thing is to have fun on the floor!

What do you love most about the job?

Finding amazing pieces that I wouldn’t find elsewhere, and being able to talk about clothes with people all day. From the structure, to the silhouette, to upcoming trends, runways, and styling – what’s not to love about clothes! I get so excited when a cool piece comes across the counter.

Chey wearing graphic button up shirt and yellow pants
White NICOPANDA puffer trench

Favorite Buffalo find?

I would have to say my vintage YSL wrap skirt and matching button up, or my NICOPANDA puffer trench.

Most memorable moment?

Helping a customer who had just gotten her real estate license get ready to take photos for her business cards. She needed to look professional but didn’t want to blend into the background, and we ended up finding the perfect dress! She came back later to give me one of her business cards, and I still have it to this day.

Something you’ve learned at Buffalo over the years?

Communication! When I first started, I was so shy and scared to say the wrong things to customers as I went through their buy. Now, you can’t get me to stop talking! It has created opportunities I didn’t think I could have – I’ve met amazing people, gone to cool events, and made some great connections. It’s a skill that I’ll carry throughout my life.

How have you seen secondhand grow in your time here?

It used to be that you had to dig to find something good. Now with resale, everything is curated, so secondhand is fun and exciting instead of feeling like a chore! People are able to find amazing pieces they love and walk out the house feeling good, no matter what financial level they’re at.

What in Buffalo’s future are you looking forward to?

What the next big thing is for us. Just like fashion, the future is always changing. I’m excited to see where we go!

Chey in front of trees, wearing large white shirt and bold patterned pants

Chey is one of the amazing people that have helped make Buffalo Exchange the company we are today. We are so thankful to the people who have helped us make it to 50 years in business! And you can help us make the next 50 years even better. We’d love to meet you, so stop by our Join Our Team page to apply and learn more!