Fashion – Style – Trends
Meet Caelyn, Store Manager, Fashion Aficionado & Master Pattern Mixer

A Phoenix native, Caelyn has been in love with fashion for as long as she can remember. As a little kid, she recalls, she was always very expressive with what she wore and very insistent upon choosing her outfit – even if it didn’t match. From the age of 4 or 5, she’d go to thrift stores with her mom every week. Early on, she developed a knack for finding unique things with bright colors and patterns and figuring out how to put them together. She loved seeing what other people were wearing, but her ultimate goal? To do something different than the norm. It’s little surprise that, to this day, her favorite hobby is shopping. “I just love to shop,” she says, whether it’s online, the mall or little random places.

This love of shopping serves her well as a Buffalo of over 5 years and the Store Manager of Buffalo Exchange Tempe. After working a variety of customer service jobs, she wanted to find a career where she could express herself with fashion, talk about clothes every day and wear the clothes she wanted to wear. After all, her primary method of getting dressed each morning involves picking a color inspired by the weather and going from there! Her favorite part of the job, however, ended up being more about learning and getting to share that with others. “I have always loved teaching,” she says, “so getting to share my knowledge about clothes and people makes my day every day.”

Outside of fashion, Caelyn is a consummate plant mom and a pop music aficionado, especially when it comes to Taylor Swift and Harry Styles. Even this, of course, is a chance to dress up. At a Taylor Swift dance party, for example, she wore a snakeskin outfit in line with Taylor’s snake-themed Reputation album. Caelyn loves a theme, whether it’s a chance to dress like her favorite musicians or packing beach-motif vacation fits. With her choose-your-own adventure approach to getting dressed, she brings joy and excitement to every single day. Her advice to other Buffaloes? “If you love it, wear it! And follow the five points of power daily.” They’re her key to success, she says, and she practices them in both her personal and professional life.