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Thanks for Supporting the Pollinator Partnership By Shopping Our Earth Day $1 Sale!

Did you shop the $1 Sale at Buffalo Exchange on Earth Day weekend? If so, give yourself a pat on the back: thanks to secondhand-savvy shoppers like yourself, we raised $39,293 for Pollinator Partnership, the world’s leading non-profit dedicated to improving the health and habitats of pollinators in North America and around the globe! Psst… now’s the perfect time to plant your pollinator-friendly garden. If you’re looking to foster your green thumb, check out Pollinator Partnership’s regional planting guides.
On Saturday, April 23rd, customers around the country queued up at their local Buffalo Exchange stores to shop a special selection of clothing, shoes and accessories for just $1 apiece. Rising early to arrive with dollar bills in hand and empty tote bags in-tow, these shoppers knew this $1 Sale would be too good to miss. Luckily, despite a few drops of rain here and there, Saturday was a beautiful day and the sale went off without a hitch!

As the first Earth Day $1 Sale after a 2-year hiatus, this year’s sale was all the more special. Tons of excited customers came out to put their dollars to excellent use and support The Pollinator Partnership. Since starting this sale in 1997, our Earth Day $1 sales have raised upwards of $757,694 for a variety of animal and environmental causes. In recent years, the $1 sale brought in over $50,000 apiece for The 5 Gyres Institute, which works to reduce microplastics in our oceans, and The Humane Society of the United States’ Animal Rescue Team.
If you didn’t get a chance to shop this year, don’t fall to the FOMO just yet — we’ll be back in April 2023 with another great environmental organization to support! And remember, you can celebrate the earth year-round by selling your closet cleanout and shopping sustainably at Buffalo Exchange. Shopping secondhand keeps clothing out of landfills and reduces pollution! Plus, with each shopping trip, you’ll have the chance to donate 5 cents to one of several local non-profits doing good in your community through our Tokens for Bags® program. Don’t think 5 cents can make a difference? Since 1994, Tokens for Bags® has raised over $893,860 for thousands of non-profits nationwide and kept over 17.8 plastic bags from polluting the environment.

If you’re interested in letting your closet cleanout spark joy for someone new, we buy from open to close, 7 days a week. Stop in anytime!
Published May 4, 2022