Fashion – Style – Trends
Our Earth Day $1 Sale is Back!

What: A special selection of clothing for just $1 apiece with all proceeds going to Pollinator Partnership. ***CASH ONLY***
When: Saturday, April 23rd. Sale starts at normal opening hours for your local store
Where: All Buffalo Exchange Locations (Excluding Buffalo Outlets in Nogales, AZ and San Antonio, TX) Mark your calendars and get your dollar bills ready, because on April 23rd, all Buffalo Exchange locations (with the exception of the Buffalo Outlets) will be hosting the annual Earth Day $1 Sale!
You heard that right: you can shop a special selection of clothing, shoes and accessories for just ONE DOLLAR apiece, and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Pollinator Partnership, a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of pollinators in order to sustain healthy ecosystems.
That means each item you purchase at the $1 Sale will contribute directly to the improvement of critical habitats for these special species that keep our planet full of food, fruits and flowers!
On the day of the Earth Day $1 Sale, all Buffalo Exchange stores will open during regular business hours, but it’ll be far from your typical Buffalo shopping trip — customers tend to line up early, with empty bags ready to be stuffed full of $1 items – so plan to arrive early and make sure to stop by the ATM on your way!
So… What’s the Buzz with Pollinators?
When you think about pollination, you probably picture a bee flying from bloom to bloom, drinking nectar and carrying with it the pollen needed to produce seeds for the next generation of plants and fruits. But did you know we also rely on bats, butterflies, birds, moths and other small mammals to spread pollen? These pollinators are all part of an intricate system crucial for repopulating 75-95% of the flowering plants that contribute to agriculture, natural resources and our food supply! In recent years, the decline of natural habitats, overuse of chemicals and changing climate patterns have had a negative impact on these pollinator populations – but don’t bee discouraged, the Pollinator Partnership is here to help!

Photo Credit: Pollinator Partnership

An Earth Day Initiative for Everyone
The Pollinator Partnership started in San Francisco, California and has been studying pollinators for over three decades, providing scientific research and data, school educational programs and workshops to help educate the community, along with government initiatives and conservation efforts that now span the globe! They have programs to study migratory species like bats and Monarch butterflies that take flight to Mexico, various projects researching bee populations in places like Africa and South America, a dedicated Pollinator Partnership in Canada and established networks in Europe. Here in the United States, they offer up a wealth of information about gardens and farming, seeds and restoration for your region, leaving you no shortage of ways to get involved.
Did you know? Pollinators are responsible for:
- 1 in 3 bites of the food you eat!
- ½ of the world’s oil, fiber and raw materials
- Prevention of soil erosion
- Contribution of 217 billion dollars to the global economy
- Cleaning the air we breathe
- Supporting other wildlife and their natural habitats
- And even protection from severe weather conditions

Photo Credit: Pollinator Partnership

Photo Credit: Pollinator Partnership
How Do You Become a Pollinator Partner?
Check our blog and social media regularly throughout April, where we’ll be sharing easy pollination tips, announcing some fun surprises and continuing to share info about our Earth Day $1 Sale benefiting the Pollinator Partnership.
Want to get a jump start? Here are three things you can do today:
Save the date: April 23rd! When you shop the Buffalo Exchange $1 Sale, you’ll be directly supporting the Pollinator Partnership’s efforts (not to mention scoring cute clothes!)
Tell your friends – share your excitement and the new info you’ve learned about the importance of pollinating species. Then, of course, bring them shopping to support the cause!
Check out the Pollinator Partnership website – they showcase lots of ways you can help our planet’s pollinators, including regional planting guides and handy cards that make it easy to choose plants for your home garden that will help attract and support the pollination process in your area. If that’s got you buzzing with excitement, stay tuned — we’ll be sharing more tips and tricks to becoming a Pollinator Hero all month long!
Published March 24, 2022