Fashion – Style – Trends
$1 Sale Benefiting the Equal Justice Initiative

This past July, Buffalo Exchange Tucson hosted a socially distanced Dollar Sale to raise money for the Equal Justice Initiative. This fantastic organization works hard to end mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the U.S., challenge racial and economic injustice, and protect basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in America. The sale generated $2,390, with all proceeds going directly to the Equal Justice Initiative.
During this sale, we tried out a variety of new strategies to ensure a safe shopping environment for customers and employees. For example, we limited it to no more than 45 shoppers at a time in the large parking lot of the store; customers signed up in advance for a shopping time slot; and boxes of clothing were spaced at least six feet apart, while proper use of masks was required for all. We also had customers count their items into trash bags to reduce contact and encouraged contactless payment options like Venmo.

Overall, the sale was a great success! Customers were able to shop safely while scoring some amazing deals and supporting a great cause. Soon, we hope to hold more socially distanced $1 sales at all of our stores to raise money for a wide variety Black non-profit organizations.