Fashion – Style – Trends
Six of the Best Tips to Selling Clothes at Buffalo Exchange

1. Rotate your clothes often
Clean out your closet seasonally, quarterly, or more often than that. The moment you know you won’t wear it again or you’re over it— it’s time to go! Avoid letting too much time pass or you may run out of time to sell the trend.

2. Bring in unique and vintage items
If there’s one thing that Buffalo Exchange loves its unique pieces and vintage clothing. They’re always looking for classic vintage from rock tees to 50s dresses.
3. Bring in the best of all seasons
Do not hesitate bringing in great jackets during warmer months. If it’s a nice jacket, they want it—sizzling hot outside or not.

4. Clean and in great condition
Condition is one of the top things the buyers look at. Avoid items with spots, stains, or unintentional holes. A quick glance over the items before you bring them in is always helpful. Don’t forget to check for broken zippers! Also be sure to give the clothing a quick run through the wash. Fresh, clean clothes are always a must!
5. Ask the buyers
Next time you drop in be sure to ask the buyers what the store is in need of. The needs change daily and weekly, so you never know. You can always call ahead and find out what they need that day!

6. Get hands-on
When you sell clothes to Buffalo Exchange, they will give you the prices up front. 25% in cash or 50% in trade on-the-spot! Hanging out with the buyers is also one of the best ways to understand the buying process. Don’t forget to ask the buyer any questions you have!
Clean out your closet and sell to your local Buffalo Exchange today. You can avoid contributing to clothing waste and pollution by shopping our resale stores and giving clothing a second life in your community.
See you soon!

Published June 13, 2016